Online Resources for Students:

1. this website is the #1 online tutoring company. Offering homework help for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Students this website will help you meet your academic goals/needs.

2. A geometry website ofering free text lessons, video lessons, and formulas. At the same time while exploring the website site, students can browse a collection of geometry lessons from other websites.

3. this website contains information such as: vocabulary for area of triangle and formulas. The website also have example word problems, equations, and once the students solve the problems they have a solution to your answer to the problem.

4. this website consist of the area of a figure measures the size of the region enclosed by the figure. This is usually expressed in terms of some square unit. A few examples of the units used are square meters, square centimeters, square inches, or square kilometers.

5. This website help students understand the defintion of a right triangle, and short-hand notes on right triangle, and a mini- quiz.

6. This website consists two methods students can use to find area of triangle, why this works, and tips on finding area.

7. This websites offer video tutorials for students of all different grade levels on triangles.

8.  This website consist of FREE online interactive quizzes on Math Homework Help.

9. The website contains a list of online math games, quizzes, and interactive tutorials for geometry topics. ... Triangle Explorer Practice finding the area of triangles.

10. The website consists of practices identifying types of triangles: obtuse, right, isoleses and equilateral. Learn how to find the area of a triange and use the Pythagoran Theorem.